Humanity’s most profound faith is now a global
phenomenon. Students, teachers, neighbors and friends are full of questions.
Misconceptions run rampant.
Here are fourteen thoughtful answers you can use to set the record straight.
PROVOCATIVE question about Hinduism, even one that really shouldn’t be
so hard to answer? If so, you are not alone. It takes some good preparation and
a little attitude adjustment to confidently field queries on your faith—be they
from friendly co-workers, students, passersby or especially from evangelists.
Let’s begin with advice on the attitudes to
hold when responding. First, ask yourself, “Who is asking the question?”
Millions of people are sincerely interested in Hinduism and the many Asian
religions. So, when asked about Hinduism, don’t be defensive, even if the
questioner seems confrontational. Instead, assume that the person really wants
to learn. Of course, some only want to harass, badger and turn you to their
view. If you sense this is the case, feel free to smile and courteously dismiss
yourself without any attempt to answer, lest you simply add fuel to his fires.
Bearing this in mind, it is still best
never to answer a question about religion too boldly or too immediately. That
might lead to confrontation. Offer a prologue first, then come to the question,
guiding the inquirer toward understanding. Your poise and deliberateness gives
assurance that you know what you are talking about. It also gives you a moment
to think and draw on your intuitive knowing. Before going deeply into an
answer, always ask the questioner what his religion is. Knowing that, you can
address his particular frame of mind and make your answer most relevant.
Here are four prologues that can be used, according to the situation,
before you begin to actually answer a question. 1) “I am really pleased that
you are interested in my religion. You may not know that one out of every six
people in the world is a Hindu.” 2) “Many people have asked me about my
tradition. I don’t know everything, but I will try to answer your question.”
3) “First, you should know that in Hinduism, it is not only belief and
intellectual understanding that is important. Hindus place the greatest value
on experiencing each of these truths personally.” 4) The fourth type of
prologue is to repeat the question to see if the person has actually stated
what he wants to know. Repeat the question in your own words and ask if you
have understood his query correctly. If it’s a complicated question, you might
begin by saying, “Philosophers have spent lifetimes discussing and pondering
questions such as this, but I will do my best to explain.”

After the prologue, address the question without hesitation. If the
person is sincere, you can ask, “Do you have any other questions?” If he wants
to know more, then elaborate as best you can. Use easy, everyday examples.
Share what enlightened souls and scriptures of Hinduism have said on the
subject. Remember, we must not assume that someone who asks about Hinduism is
insincere or is challenging our faith. Many are just being friendly or making
conversation to get to know you; others, having reincarnated into a strange
culture, are searching for the way back “home.” So, don’t be on the defensive
or take it all too seriously. Smile when you give your response. Be open. If
the second or third question is on something you know nothing about, you can
say, “I don’t know. But if you’d like, I will find out and email you what I
find out.” Smile and have confidence as you give these answers. Don’t be shy.
Your birth karmas ensure that nobody can ask you a question to which you are
unable to provide a fine answer that will fully satisfy the seeker. You may
make lifelong friends in this way.
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